Trinity Basin Preparatory | Best FREE Charter School in DFW
To inspire every student to do more, expect more, and be more.
- Trinity Basin Preparatory
- Student Services
- Special Education
Student Services
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Trinity Basin Preparatory believes that each child is unique, and some have special needs or concerns when it comes to learning, but all children have the right to an education. Learning experiences encourage intellectual, social, and emotional growth. Children who learn develop self- confidence and the ability to get along with others. Every child has the capacity to learn, to develop and to grow to his or her potential.
Trinity Basin Preparatory strives to meet the needs of each individual student. The special education department – which is comprised of administrators, diagnosticians, therapists, teachers, and aides – plays a vital role in the completion of that goal.
Rights of Students with Disabilities
The Notice of Procedural Safeguards explains the specific rights and responsibilities of the parent in the special education process. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act 2004 (IDEA 2004) requires school districts to give parents the Procedural Safeguards only one time a year, except upon: initial referral or on request for evaluation; the first occurrence of the filing of a due process hearing complaint; or upon request by a parent.
To learn more please visit the Notice of Procedural Safeguards. English | Spanish | Additional Languages
Texas Transition and Employment Guide
The Texas Education Agency in collaboration with Statewide Leadership in Secondary Transition and Post School Results at Education Service Center Region 11 are pleased to announce that the Texas Transition and Employment Guide has been posted to the website and is located at
The purpose of this guide is to provide information on statewide services and programs that assist students with disabilities in the transition to life outside of the public school system.
- Texas Transition and Employment Guide
- Texas Transition and Employment Guide Spanish
- Additional Languages
The Parent's Guide to the ARD Process
This guide is designed to give you, as a parent of a child who is or may be eligible for special education services, a better understanding of the special education process and of your procedural rights and responsibilities so that you will be able to fully participate in the decision making process regarding your child's education.
TEA Parent Resources
Senate Bill 139, Updates in Special Education 2021
Compensatory Services
The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.
If you need information about special education in Texas, you may call the Special Education Information Center at:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
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Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |

- Angela Dawson-Letsie

- Adelmira Torres
- Alisha Ward-El